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Why Birth Photography? San Francisco Birth Photographer

"But I don't really want to see evidence of the pain and the mess..." is something I hear all the time when people first hear about birth photography. And honestly, I used to think the same thing. But there is nothing more powerful or beautiful than a woman in the process of becoming a mother. And trust me, with kids, the birth isn't the end of the mess!

Birth photography also captures the moments in between. The calm between contractions, the connection between mama and her partner, the absolute WORK that it is to bring these tiny humans earth side! Plus, as your part of your birth team I share my resources with you about birth related topics prior to your labor so that you are fully informed about your options going in. I will bring food if anyone gets hungry, and I will trade off with your partner so that they can grab a nap, or even just to use the bathroom, so that you are never left unsupported. I strive to be as involved as you need or want, with the photography happening in the background. Ideally, you'll barely know it's happening and the moments I capture will help to remind you just what a powerful and beautiful creature you are!

So if you're on the fence about hiring a birth photographer, don't hesitate to reach out to me and ask me anything. Or head over to my Birth Portfolio page to see more about what it's like working with me and to see a full Birth Session.


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